Hospice Admission Criteria
A patient may be admitted to hospice care if they:
Are seeking comfort care instead of curative care
Have a limited life expectancy if the illness runs its normal course
Desire and agree to hospice care
It may be time to refer when a patient has any of the following:
Chest pain at rest
Shortness of breath
Pulse Ox 88% or less on room air
Assistance with bathing, toileting, dressing, eating, walking
Frequent ER/Hospital visits
Multiple calls to Provider's office at all hours
Caregiver having difficulty coping
Weight loss
Multiple wounds, etc.
Examples: Heart, lung, liver or renal disease, Alzheimer’s, stroke, debility ALS, AIDS, Cancer, unspecified
Care Settings
We offer a comprehensive range of services that are available to you, wherever you may be:
Nursing home
Assisted living facility